Monday, February 4, 2008

Week 35

Blood pressure: I can't believe how good your blood pressure always is!
Glucose: negative
Protein: negative
Weight: 148lbs

I went by myself to this check up. Tim has been working furiously lately trying to get his experiments wrapped up so that he can begin writing his thesis.

Jeri wants me to get my birth plan ready, and my expectations of her. I sort of laughed at her...what expectations? She said that one woman wanted her around from the very first contraction, and another woman wanted her to wear a doctors coat. She knew immediately that these woman had the wrong expectations of her. So, we are working on these things.

Our baby is still in the head down position, and Jeri can't believe what a strong heart beat she has. She has a strong heart beat and a strong kick! "Little Bun" has been kicking up against my rib cage for weeks now. Sometimes she moon walks, and it makes me squirm a little. You can actually see her foot moving up and down my belly. She also likes to flip around, but mostly her favorite position is sleeping with her back curved on my right side while her little head faces my left hip. Sleeping on my back has become very uncomfortable, but sleeping on my sides can be even more uncomfortable at times because my hips and thighs hurt. Anyways, I'm not too bothered. She will be born soon, and we are getting more and more excited.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tim's already writing this thesis?! :(

i know it's great for you guys but it's really sad for me.