Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Today Tim and I went to the hospital to get our non stress test done..well not our stress but the baby's stress. We asked our Doula Melanie to come with us too. The nurse strapped two monitors to my belly one for little buns heart rate and one for my contractions. Little buns heart varied from 130-160. When she moved, her heart rate increased, and she made the monitors jump around. It was very funny to watch. She also got a little fit of hiccups, and we could hear those too. I didn't think that I would have any contractions, but for the twenty minutes that I was being monitored, I had three of them. I think I get them pretty regular without knowing I'm having them most of the time. The nurse said that our baby was doing great, and she sent us down to the first floor to have an ultrasound to check for the amount of amniotic fluid in my uterus. The amount was very good: 9.5. The most exciting part however was looking at the screen. The radiologist showed us her brain and her heart. Then she showed us parts of her body which I couldn't quite make out, but the best part she showed us was her little face. She had pudgy little cheeks, and her mouth made a suckling movement. So cute! Above is a picture that we got from the radiologist. It's not a very good one, but you can sort of make out the face if you try hard enough. This made us both even more excited to meet her. We go back again on Saturday at 10:00am to get another test done. Tomorrow, I will be going to Geri again to get a check up. She's going to check to see if I am thinning out, so I'm excited to know how that part of things are going.

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