This is the end of my fifth month. I'm now entering the sixth month and will soon be in my third trimester.
The last time I went to my midwife I was 122lbs. She still would like to see me gain more weight and be above 125lbs next time I see her which is tomorrow. Gramma Rachel was with us for the last visit, and she got to hear the babies heart beat which made her so happy. The heart beat was much louder and stronger this time. Usually, it's a little difficult to hear because there is static, but not his time.
I've been feeling the baby move around more and more recently. Sometimes it scares me how active it can get. It's movements are sometimes slug like and other times so jittery and spastic that I get quiet shocked. What's going on in there? I love feeling these movements and spend a lot of time with my hand on my tummy. You can even see it moving through my clothes now.
Symptoms: Itchy abdomen-it's very strange to be itchy on my belly. I feel like Homer.
My belly button is starting to be pushed out. I can now see the end of my belly button which makes it easier to clean. The worst symptom I have is legs cramps in the middle of the night. They really hurt when I get them. A few times the muscle has contracted into a tight ball which freaks me out. Thank goodness I'm half asleep when this happens because if I were more alert I think it would hurt more. My appetite is back to normal. My mind is going though! Boy have I become clumsy and forgetful. It's embarrassing in class, but my students laugh at me for it.
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