I'm slowly putting together our babies room. We don't have an extra bedroom, but we do have a large closet with a window in it. It will be good for the baby for a few years until we move. I spent a day, a few weeks ago, getting all of our stuff off the shelves (earthquake hazard) and under our bed and anywhere else I could stuff things. It looks really nice. So below is some material in which I'm going to make curtains. I love owls and nature, so I'm trying to decorate it with vintage animals. I love this material.

This is a lamp shade that I got for the baby room. Very cute!

"Little bun" has a little bunny. I knit this for our baby a few weeks ago, and I'm very happy with how cute it turned out. Gramma Rachel and I went to Borders to look at knitting books. I bought one from which I made this bunny, and Gramma Rachel is working on something from her book. I really enjoy knitting.
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