Thursday, March 13, 2008

Last visit?

Weight: 153lbs
Blood Pressure: good

Hopefully, today was my last visit with Jeri. She seemed pretty confident that it would be. We talked a little bit about natural induction which we won't worry about until next week if I'm still pregnant. If I don't have our baby by next Wednesday we'll have to go and have a stress test to make sure that my placenta is still delivering the rich nutrients to our baby. This would mean that we would get to see her in my womb one last time. I'm very curious as to what she looks like in there now that she is full term. While Jeri was feeling the position of little bun, I had a contraction. I couldn't feel it, but Jeri said that I had one. I've been feeling contractions early in the morning at times. It wakes me right up as I anxiously wait to see if this is actual labor. They don't last very long, and pretty soon I realize that they are not "real" contractions. Little bun was also very quiet last week, but her activity has picked up a lot this week. On Monday night, I felt her burrowing pretty low down for a few hours. On Tuesday night I didn't feel her at all...not once. Tim and I were very worried the next day and tried to poke her to wake her up. I ate some oatmeal and laid on my left side to count her kicks. She was alive!!! It's pretty scary when you think you're almost there and then something feels wrong. Family and friends have been keeping in touch and wishing me well, and thank you for that. I have a lot of you on my list to email as soon as I think I'm in labor, and some of you are programed into my phone to receive a text message. We are still shooting for St. Patrick's day to have the baby, but if she comes sooner that is just fine with us. This journey has been so amazing for both of us, and we are anxiously awaiting our little one.

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