Here she is....my little yoga daughter. Going to the ultrasound was the most thrilling moment of my life. I have never been so excited before; even Santa can't beat this type of suspense. The moment the radiologist put her scanner on my belly, Tim and I could see her immediatley. It didn't even matter that she was black and white or that we could see different depths of her body; for me, it was as if she was in my arms. The radiologist checked out all of her vital organs and measured her bones. It was incredible to see all four chambers of her heart beating, and I enjoyed looking at her tiny little brain which looked so fully formed. It was also breathtaking to see her spinal chord with all of her vertebrae. It really is truly amazing that I can make this little human being inside of me. Tim is slightly jealous. The radiologist was so friendly and professional. She spent about 20 minutes measuring my baby, but I wish it was longer. I wish I had an ultra sound machine to look at her everyday. Maybe sometime in the distant future they will have that type of technology. When our little bun did the above yoga move, even the radiologist laughed at her; it was so funny. She is already very cramped looking, and I just can't wait to meet her now. She is enjoying herself lately. I imagine all the food we had for thanksgiving has given her a growth spurt.
Hello Mandy,
A poem on the Writers' Almanac this week catches my attention, and I pass it on to you.
Love, Dolores
Poem: "Upon Seeing an Ultrasound Photo of an Unborn Child" by Thomas Lux, from The Drowned River. © Houghton Mifflin Company, 1990. Reprinted with permission.
Upon Seeing an Ultrasound Photo of an Unborn Child
Tadpole, it's not time yet to nag you
about college (though I have some thoughts
on that), baseball (ditto), or abstract
principles. Enjoy your delicious,
soupy womb-warmth, do some rolls and saults
(it'll be too crowded soon), delight in your early
dreams — which no one will attempt to analyze.
For now: may your toes blossom, your fingers
lengthen, your sexual organs grow (too soon
to tell which yet) sensitive, your teeth
form their buds in their forming jawbone, your already
booming heart expand (literally
now, metaphorically later); O your spine,
eyebrows, nape, knees, fibulae,
lungs, lips... But your soul,
dear child: I don't see it here, when
does that come in, whence? Perhaps God,
and your mother, and even I — we'll all contribute
and you'll learn yourself to coax it
from wherever: your soul, which holds your bones
together and lets you live
on earth. — Fingerling, sidecar, nubbin,
I'm waiting, it's me, Dad,
I'm out here. You already know
where Mom is. I'll see you more directly
upon arrival. You'll recognize
me — I'll be the tall-seeming, delighted
blond guy, and I'll have
your nose.
I am getting anxious to see the new printmaker? rugbyplayer?
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