These are a couple things that Gramma Rachel bought for us while she was visiting. We went to a few garage sales in which she got us many things. Garage sales are great. We got this and a lot of clothes, and diaper covers for $20. The first picture is a co-sleeper for "little bun" when it's a new born. I plan on breastfeeding, so it will be useful to have in the bed when I have to feed in the middle of the night.
The second piece is also something Gramma Rachel bought for us. It is a tiny little chair with a cover on the seat so that "little bun" can put its toys and stuff in it. Very Cute!!!
This is a bouncy chair that I found. It plays music and vibrates. This is one of the first things we got.
This is a high chair that we also got at Urban ore. I love this chair. It's an old 1940's(?) wooden chair. As you can see, it folds down into a play area on wheels. How cool is that!
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