Last Thursday, four of us teachers went to La Verne, California for teacher training all expenses paid. I was a bit frightened to fly since I've never been pregnant on a plane before, but everything went well. We got to our hotel, and immediately I realized that the hotel was very expensive ($245/night). We went up into our rooms, and as soon as I opened the door, my jaw dropped. I had my own suite! It was beautiful...maybe a bit too beautiful for my tastes. I took a little nap, and then we decided to go for dinner. By the way, the water in Southern California is disgusting; it tastes like water that has been in bottled for weeks which has then been left in a car. We went to the restaurant in the hotel because we had no idea where we were. We ordered our food, and were shocked when it was placed in front of us. Our food was on platters not plates; it was a huge serving. I ordered chicken and received half a roasted chicken. It was delicious, but seriously who can eat that much food. So i now have half a chicken in the fridge! We stayed at the restaurant for hours and hours just talking and having a good time. Then, we went to bed.
The next day, Friday, was training. We were taught about the TOEFL ibt test which is a test that students need to get into University. We are starting a new program which will prepare the students for the test and University. For lunch, we went to a Japanese restaurant which I loved. Then we went back and finished the workshop. I was really really tired after lunch. After the workshop all the teachers, who were other ELS teachers from the West Coast, went to a pub. I felt left out because I couldn't drink beer. My co-workers noticed, so I told them that I was pregnant. They were so surprised and happy for me. We then went to an Italian restaurant where something really strange happened to me. I was looking at the menu, and the only thing that looked anyway appetizing was the most expensive item on the menu (which was paid for by the company); lamb with potatoes. The food came; again it was a large portion, and I took a bite of the lamb and almost threw up. It was the strangest sensation. I read that this might happen in my pregnancy book. My mind really wanted to eat the lamb, but I physically could not. I honestly thought I was going to throw up in my plate. How strange? I hope I can eat lamb in the future because I really like it. We went back to the hotel, and stayed up late again talking and having a good time. I enjoyed the night sleeping in my big comfy bed, and then the next day we left.
Tim was happy to have me home. I took a long nap, and Tim went to work for a little bit. after he came back he brought me some cooked shrimp sushi, and some flowers. He's so sweet. We enjoyed the rest of the weekend together. I taught Tim how to stretch some canvases that my friend brought back from Tanzania. I really miss working with my hands. I might be taking a printmaking class this semester which I'm excited for, but I get so tired in the afternoons that it might not work out for me.
I'm pretty excited that I am approaching the end of my 1st trimester. Grandma Rachel told me that the 2nd trimester is a lot better. I sure hope so because I'm always tired, and my nausea has come back again.
I sure hope, too, that your nausea soon stops. It should. Sometimes it continues for just a short time during the day but not all the time. You need that nutrition.
I'm glad Tim is taking care of you. He needs to be involved that way as much as he can.
You should be less tired, too as you progress. So hopefully you can take that class. When is your next appt with the midwife?
Sounds like you were really pampered at your workshop. I was in Duluth for three days for a conference at a big hotel, but not that fancy. I almost felt guilty but not quite.
It is great reading your updates.
Grandma Rachel
I'm still eating food. I'm just eating little meals a few times a day. Mostly fruits, cereals, crackers, and my prenatal vitamins.
My next midwife visit is September 10. I'm pretty excited to hear the babies heart beat again.
Congratulations!!! I am very excited for you both. Being pregnant is the best experience in the whole world (except for the nausea-- which should go away in a few weeks). When I was pregnant I couldn't eat bananas because they made me gag (wierd hu?).
I'm excited for you guys! Try some home remedy for your nausea. You being 11 weeks pregnant means your still within the morning sickness week. Try some ginger or lemon drops. Works for most women.
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